Adunari generale ale actionarilor
Drepturile actionarilor si reguli procedurale AGA
Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor (AGOA) din data de 19.02.2025
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS) from 19.02.2025
Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor (AGEA) din data de 19.02.2025
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) from 19.02.2025
Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor (AGOA) din data de 29.04.2024
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS) from 29.04.2024
Hotarare AGOA_29.04.2024
OGMS Resolution_29.04.2024
Convocator Zentiva S.A. – AGOA _29.04.2024
Convening notice Zentiva S.A. – OGMS_29.04.2024
Memo_Nota de fundamentare_AGOA_29.04.2024
Memo_Substantiation note_OGMS_29.04.2024
Power of Attorney_OGMS_29.04.2024
Formular de vot corespondenta_AGOA_29.04.2024
Correspondence voting form_OGMS_29.04.2024
Proiect de Hotarare AGOA_29.04.2024
Draft Resolution_OGMS_29.04.2024
Informare GDPR_RO
GDPR Disclaimer_EN
Numarul de drepturi de vot_AGOA_29.04.2024
Number of voting rights_OGMS_29.04.2024
Raport anual Consiliu de Administratie_31.12.2023
Board of Directors’ annual Report_31.12.2023
Situatii financiare_31.12.2023
Financial Statements_31.12.2023
Situatii financiare in formatul european electronic unic (ESEF)_31.12.2023
Financial Statements in European single electronic format (ESEF)_31.12.2023
Raport Auditor_31.12.2023
Auditor’s Report_31.12.2023
Buget/ Budget 2024
Raport anual de remunerare a conducatorilor Zentiva SA_2023
Annual remuneration report for the management of Zentiva SA_2023
Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor (AGOA) din data de 27.04.2023
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS) from 27.04.2023
Hotărâre AGOA_27.04.2023
OGMS Resolution_27.04.2023
Politica de remunerare a conducatorilor Zentiva SA_versiune actualizata_27.04.2023
Remuneration policy for the management of Zentiva_Updated version_27.04.2023
Convocator Zentiva S.A. – AGOA si AGEA_27.04.2023
Convening notice Zentiva S.A. – OGMS and EGMS_27.04.2023
Memo_Nota de fundamentare_AGOA_27.04.2023
Memo_Substantiation note_OGMS_27.04.2023
Power of Attorney_OGMS_27.04.2023
Formular de vot corespondenta_AGOA_27.04.2023
Correspondence voting form_OGMS_27.04.2023
Proiect de Hotarare AGOA_27.04.2023
Draft Resolution_OGMS_27.04.2023
Informare GDPR_RO
GDPR Disclaimer_EN
Numarul de drepturi de vot_AGOA_27.04.2023
Number of voting rights_OGMS_27.04.2023
Raport anual Consiliu de Administratie_31.12.2022
Board of Directors’ annual Report_31.12.2022
Situatii financiare_31.12.2022
Financial Statements_31.12.2022
Raport Auditor_31.12.2022
Auditor’s Report_31.12.2022
Buget/ Budget 2023
Raport anual de remunerare a conducatorilor Zentiva SA_2022
Annual remuneration report for the management of Zentiva SA_2022
Politica de remunerare a conducatorilor Zentiva SA_Propunere versiune actualizata_proiect
Remuneration policy for the management of Zentiva_Updated version proposal_draft
Adunarea Generală Extraordinară a Acționarilor (AGEA) din data de 27.04.2023
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) dated 27.04.2023
Hotărâre AGEA_27.04.2023
EGMS Resolution_27.04.2023
Convocator Zentiva S.A. – AGOA si AGEA_27.04.2023
Convening notice Zentiva S.A. – OGMS and EGMS_27.04.2023
Memo_Nota de fundamentare_AGEA_27.04.2023
Memo_Substantiation note_EGMS_27.04.2023
Anexa la Nota de fundamentare_Proiect Act Constitutiv_Zentiva SA
Annex to Substantiation note_Draft Articles of Association_Zentiva SA
Power of Attorney_EGMS_27.04.2023
Formular de vot corespondenta_AGEA_27.04.2023
Correspondence voting form_EGMS_27.04.2023
Proiect de Hotarare AGEA_27.04.2023
Draft Resolution_EGMS_27.04.2023
Informare GDPR_RO
GDPR Disclaimer_EN
Numarul de drepturi de vot_AGEA_27.04.2023
Number of voting rights_EGMS_27.04.2023
Adunarea Generală Ordinară a Acționarilor (AGOA) din data de 20.03.2023
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS) dated 20.03.2023
Hotărâre AGOA_20.03.2023
OGMS Resolution_20.03.2023
Convocator Zentiva S.A. – AGOA si AGEA_20.03.2023
Convening notice Zentiva S.A. – OGMS and EGMS_20.03.2023
Memo_Nota de fudamentare_AGOA_20.03.2023
Memo_Substantiation note_OGMS_20.03.2023
Lista candidatilor - Candidates list_bilingv-bilingual_08 03 2023
Formular de vot corespondenta_AGOA_20.03.2023
Corespondence voting form_OGMS_20.03.2023
Formular de vot secret corespondenta_AGOA_20.03.2023
Corespondence secret voting form_OGMS_20.03.2023
Proiect de Hotarare AGOA_20.03.2023
Draft Resolution_OGMS_20.03.2023
Informare GDPR_RO
GDPR Disclaimer_EN
Numarul de drepturi de vot_AGOA_20.03.2023
Number of voting rights_OGMS_20.03.2023
Adunarea Generală Extraordinară a Acționarilor (AGEA) din data de 20.03.2023
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) dated 20.03.2023
Hotărâre AGEA_20.03.2023
EGMS Resolution_20.03.2023
Convocator Zentiva S.A. – AGOA si AGEA_20.03.2023
Convening notice Zentiva S.A. – OGMS and EGMS_20.03.2023
Memo_Nota de fudamentare_AGEA_20.03.2023
Memo_Substantiation note_EGMS_20.03.2023
Anexa la Nota de fundamentare_Proiect Act Constitutiv_Zentiva SA
Annex to Substantiation note_Draft Articles of Association_Zentiva SA
Formular de vot corespondenta_AGEA_20.03.2023
Corespondence voting form_EGMS_20.03.2023
Proiect de Hotarare AGEA_20.03.2023
Draft Resolution_EGMS_20.03.2023
Informare GDPR_RO
GDPR Disclaimer_EN
Numarul de drepturi de vot_AGEA_20.03.2023
Number of voting rights_EGMS_20.03.2023
Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor (AGOA) din data de 28.04.2022
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS) from 28.04.2022
Hotarare AGOA_28.04.2022
OGMS Resolution_28.04.2022
Convocator Zentiva S.A.- AGOA_28.04.2022
Convening notice Zentiva S.A - OGMS_28.04.2022
Nota de fudamentare_AGOA_28.04.2022
Formular de vot corespondenta_AGOA_28.04.2022
Corespondence voting form_OGMS_28.04.2022
Proiect de Hotarare AGOA_28.04.2022
Draft Resolution_OGMS_28.04.2022
Informare GDPR_28.04.2022
GDPR Disclaimer_28.04.2022
Numarul de drepturi de vot_ 28.04.2022
Number of voting rights_28.04.2022
Raport anual CA_2021
Directors’ Annual Report_2021
Situatii financiare _31.12.2021
Financial Statements _31.12.2021
Raport Auditor_31.12.2021
Auditor Report_31.12.2021
Raport anual de remunerare a conducatorilor Zentiva SA_2021
Annual remuneration report for the management of Zentiva SA_ 2021
Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor (AGOA) din data de 01.11.2021
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS) from 01.11.2021
Hotarare AGOA_01.11.2021
OGMS Resolution_01.11.2021
Convocator Zentiva S.A. - AGOA_01.11.2021
Convening notice Zentiva S.A. - OGMS_01.11.2021
Nota de fudamentare_AGOA_01.11.2021
Lista Candidatilor_25.10.2021
Candidate list_25.10.2021
Formular de vot corespondenta_AGOA_01.11.2021
Corespondence voting form_OGMS_01.11.2021
Formular de vot secret corespondenta_AGOA_01.11.2021_actualizat
Corespondence secret voting form_OGMS_01.11.2021_updated
Proiect de Hotarare AGOA_01.11.2021_actualizat
Draft Resolution_OGMS_01.11.2021_updated
Procedura de vot electronic_AGOA_01.11.2021
Electronic vote tutorial_OGMS_01.11.2021
Informare GDPR_01.11.2021
GDPR Disclaimer_01.11.2021
Numarul de drepturi de vot_01.11.2021
Number of voting rights_01.11.2021
Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor (AGOA) din data de 28.04.2021
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS) from 28.04.2021
Hotarare AGOA_28.04.2021
OGMS Resolution_28.04.2021
Convocator Zentiva S.A. - AGOA_28.04.2021
Convening notice Zentiva S.A. - OGMS_28.04.2021
Nota de fudamentare_AGOA_28.04.2021
Nota de fundamentare pct. 6_AGOA_28.04.2021
Memo item 6_OGMS_28.04.2021
Formular de vot corespondenta_AGOA_28.04.2021
Corespondence voting form_OGMS_28.04.2021
Proiect de Hotarare AGOA_28.04.2021
Draft Resolution_OGMS_28.04.2021
Procedura de vot electronic_AGOA_28.04.2021
Electronic vote tutorial_OGMS_28.04.2021
Informare GDPR_28.04.2021
GDPR Disclaimer_28.04.2021
Numarul de drepturi de vot_ 28.04.2021
Number of voting rights_28.04.2021
Raport anual CA_2020
Directors’ Annual Report_2020
Situatii financiare si Raport Auditor_31.12.2020
Financial Statements and Auditor Report_31.12.2020
Politica de remunerare a conducătorilor Zentiva SA
Remuneration policy for the management of Zentiva SA
Raport anual de remunerare a conducatorilor Zentiva SA_2020
Annual remuneration report for the management of Zentiva SA_ 2020
Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor (AGOA) din data de 29.04.2020
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS) from 29.04.2020
Hotarare AGOA_29.04.2020
OGMS Resolution_29.04.2020
Convocator Zentiva S.A. - AGOA si AGEA_ 29.04.2020
Convening notice Zentiva S.A. - OGMS and EGMS_ 29.04.2020
Nota de fudamentare_AGOA_ 29.04.2020
Lista Candidatilor_17.07.2020
Candidate list_17.04.2020
Formular de vot corespondenta_AGOA_29.04.2020
Corespondence voting form_OGMS_29.04.2020
Formular de vot secret corespondenta_AGOA_29.04.2020_actualizat
Corespondence secret voting form_OGMS_29.04.2020_updated
Proiect de Hotarare AGOA_29.04.2020_actualizata
Draft Resolution_OGMS_29.04.2020_updated
Procedura de vot electronic_AGOA_29.04.2020
Electronic vote tutorial_OGMS_29.04.2020
Informare GDPR_29.04.2020
GDPR Disclaimer_29.04.2020
Numarul de drepturi de vot_ 29.04.2020
Number of voting rights_29.04.2020
Raport CA_2019
Board Report_2019
Situatii financiare_31.12.2019
Raport Auditor_31.12.2019
Financial Statements + Auditor Opinion_31.12.2019
Buget 2020
Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor (AGEA) din data de 29.04.2020
The Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders (EGMS) from 29.04.2020
Hotarare AGEA_29.04.2020
EGMS Resolution_29.04.2020
Convocator Zentiva S.A. - AGOA si AGEA_ 29.04.2020
Convening notice Zentiva S.A. - OGMS and EGMS_ 29.04.2020
Nota de fundamentare_AGEA_29.04.2020
Formular de vot corespondenta_AGEA_ 29.04.2020
Corespondence voting form_AGEA_29.04.2020
Proiect de Hotarare AGEA_29.04.2020
Project of Resolution_EGMS_29.04.2020
Numarul de drepturi de vot_ 29.04.2020
Number of voting rights_29.04.2020
Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor (AGOA) din data de 30.04.2019
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS) from 30.04.2019
Hotararea AGOA_30.04.2019
Resolution OGMS_30.04.2019
Convocator Zentiva S.A. - AGOA si AGEA_ 30 aprilie 2019_actualizat
Convening notice Zentiva S.A. - OGMS and EGMS_ April 30, 2019_updated
Nota de fudamentare_AGOA_ 30 aprilie 2019_actualizata
Memo_OGMS_April 30, 2019_updated
Imputernicire_AGOA_30 aprilie 2019_actualizata
PoA_OGMS_April 30, 2019_updated
Formular de vot corespondenta_AGOA_30 aprilie 2019_actualizat
Corespondence voting form_OGMS_April 30, 2019_updated
Proiect de Hotarare AGOA_30 aprilie 2019_actualizat
Project of Resolution_OGMS_April 30, 2019_updated
Convocator Zentiva S.A. - AGOA si AGEA_ 30 aprilie 2019
Convening notice Zentiva S.A. - OGMS and EGMS_ April 30, 2019
Nota de fudamentare_AGOA_ 30 aprilie 2019
Memo_OGMS_April 30, 2019
Imputernicire_AGOA_30 aprilie 2019
PoA_OGMS_April 30, 2019
Formular de vot corespondenta_AGOA_30 aprilie 2019
Corespondence voting form_OGMS_April 30, 2019
Proiect de Hotarare AGOA_30 aprilie 2019
Project of Resolution_OGMS_April 30, 2019
Numarul de drepturi de vot_ 30 aprilie 2019
Number of voting rights_April 30, 2019
Buget 2019
Raportul CA 2018
Board Report 2018
Situatii Financiare + opinie auditor - 31 12.2018
Financial Statements + Auditor’s Opinion - 31 12.2018
Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor (AGEA) din data de 30.04.2019
The Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders (EGMS) from 30.04.2019
Hotararea AGEA_30.04.2019
Resolution EGMS_30.04.2019
Convocator Zentiva S.A. - AGOA si AGEA_ 30 aprilie 2019
Convening notice Zentiva S.A. - OGMS and EGMS_ April 30, 2019
Nota de fudamentare_AGEA_30 aprilie 2018
Memo_EGMS_April 30, 2019
Imputernicire_AGEA_30 aprilie 2019
PoA_EGMS_April 30, 2019
Formular de vot corespondenta_AGEA_ 30 aprilie 2019
Corespondence voting form_AGEA_April 30, 2019
Proiect de Hotarare AGEA_30 aprilie 2019
Project of Resolution_EGMS_April 30, 2019
Numarul de drepturi de vot_ 30 aprilie 2019
Number of voting rights_April 30, 2019
Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor (AGEA) din data de 07.03.2019
The Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders (EGMS) from 07.03.2019
Hotarare AGEA_07.03.2019
Resolution EGMS_07.03.2019
Convocator Zentiva S.A. - AGOA si AGEA_7martie 2019
Convening Zentiva S.A. - OGMS & EGMS_March 7, 2019
Materiale informative AGEA 07.03.2019
MEMO EGMS 07.03.2019
Imputernicire AGEA 07.03.2019
PoA EGMS 07.03.2019
Formular de vot corespondenta AGEA 07.03.2019
Voting form EGMS 07.03.2019
Proiect de Hotarare AGEA 07.03.2019
Decision project EGMS 07.03.2019
Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor (AGOA) din data de 07.03.2019
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS) from 07.03.2019
Hotarare AGOA_07.03.2019
Resolution OGMS_07.03.2019
Imputernicire AGOA 07.03.2019_actualizata
PoA OGMS 07.03.2019_updated
Formular de vot corespondenta AGOA 07.03.2019_actualizat
Voting form OGMS 07.03.2019_updated
Lista Candidatilor_25.02.2019
Candidate list_25.02.2019
Convocator Zentiva S.A. - AGOA si AGEA_7martie 2019
Convening Zentiva S.A. - OGMS & EGMS_March 7, 2019
Materiale informative AGOA 07.03.2019
MEMO OGMS 07.03.2019
Imputernicire AGOA 07.03.2019
PoA OGMS 07.03.2019
Formular de vot corespondenta AGOA 07.03.2019
Voting form OGMS 07.03.2019
Proiect de Hotarare AGOA 07.03.2019
Decision project OGMS 07.03.2019
Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor (AGEA) din data de 14(15).11.2018
Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA) from 14(15).11.2018
Convocare AGOA & AGEA_14.11.2018
Convening of OGA & EGA_14.11.2018
Nota de fudamentare_transfer know-how_AGEA
Memo_know-how transfer_EGA
Imputernicire - AGEA - 14.11.2018
PoA - EGA - 14.11.2018
Formular de vot corespondenta - AGEA 14.11.2018
Voting form - EGA - 14.11.2018
Numărul total de acțiuni și drepturi de vot _Zentiva
Total number of shares and voting rights _Zentiva
Proiect de Hotarare - AGEA -14.11.2018
Decision project - EGA -14.11.2018
Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor (AGOA) din data de 14(15).11.2018
Ordinary General Assembly (OGA) from 14(15).11.2018
Lista candidatilor_RO_24.10.2018
Candidate list_EN_24.10.2018
Imputernicire - AGOA - 14.11.2018_actualizat
PoA - OGA - 14.11.2018_updated
Formular de vot corespondenta - AGOA 14.11.2018_actualizat
Voting form - OGA - 14.11.2018_updated
Convocare AGOA & AGEA_14.11.2018
Convening of OGA & EGA_14.11.2018
Nota de fudamentare_punct de lucru_AGOA
Memo_secondary seat_OGA
Nota de fundamentare_numirea de noi membri CA _AGOA
Memo_appointment of new members of the BoD _OGA
Imputernicire - AGOA - 14.11.2018
PoA - OGA - 14.11.2018
Formular de vot corespondenta - AGOA 14.11.2018
Voting form - OGA - 14.11.2018
Numărul total de acțiuni și drepturi de vot _Zentiva
Total number of shares and voting rights _Zentiva
Proiect de Hotarare - AGOA - 14.11.2018
Decision project - OGA - 14.11.2018
Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor din data de 11(12).07.2018
Extraordinary General Assembly from 11(12).07.2018
Hotarare AGEA_11.07.2018
Resolution EGMS_11.07.2018
Convocator comun AGA Extraordinara & Ordinara - 11.07.2018
Common Convening - Extraordinary & Ordinary GA - July 11, 2018
Materiale informative AGOA-AGEA - 11.07.2018
Informative materials AGOA-AGEA - 11.07.2018
Imputernicire-- AGEA - 11.07.2018
PoA -- AGEA - 11.07.2018
Formular de vot corespondenta -- AGEA 11.07.2018
Voting form - EGA 11.07.2018
Proiect de Hotarare -- AGEA --11.07.2018
Decision project AGEA --11.07.2018
Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor din data de 11(12).07.2018
Ordinary General Assembly from 11(12).07.2018
Hotarare AGOA_11.07.2018
Resolution OGMS_11.07.2018
Convocator comun AGA Extraordinara & Ordinara - 11.07.2018
Common Convening - Extraordinary & Ordinary GA - July 11, 2018
Materiale informative AGOA-AGEA - 11.07.2018
Informative materials AGOA-AGEA - 11.07.2018
Imputernicire-- AGOA - 11.07.2018
PoA -- Ordinary GA - 11.07.2018
Formular de vot corespondenta -- AGOA 11.07.2018
Voting form - Ordinary GA 11.07.2018
Proiect de Hotarare -- AGOA --11.07.2018
Decision project AGOA --11.07.2018
Adunarea Generală Ordinară a Acționarilor din data de 26(27).04.2018
Ordinary General Assembly from 26(27).04.2018
Hotarare AGOA_26.04.2018
Resolution OGMS_26.04.2018
Convocator AGA 26.04.2018
Convening GA 26.04.2018
Situatii Financiare + opinie auditor - 31 12.2017
Financial Statements -31.12. 2017
Imputernicire-- AGOA - 26.04.2018
PoA -- Ordinary GA - 26.04.2018
Formular de vot corespondenta -- AGOA 26 Aprilie 2018
Voting form - GA April 26, 2018
Proiect de Hotarare -- AGOA --26.04.2018
Decision project AGOA --26.04.2018
Adunarea Generală Ordinară a Acționarilor din data de 14(15).11.2018
Hotarare AGOA_15.11.2018
OGM Resolution_15.11.2018
Adunarea Generală Ordinară a Acționarilor din data de 27(28).04.2017
Hotarare AGOA - 27.04.2017
GA Decision - April 27, 2017
Adunarea Generală Ordinară a Acționarilor din data de 28(29).04.2016
Hotarare AGOA 28.04.2016
GA decision 28.04.2016
Adunarea Generală Ordinară a Acționarilor din data de 29(30).04.2015
Hotarare AGOA 29.04.2015
Resolution AGOA 29.04.2015
Adunarea Generală Ordinară a Acționarilor din data de 18(19).03.2015
Hotarare AGOA 18.03.2015
Resolution AGOA 18.03.2015
Adunarea Generală Ordinară a Acționarilor din data de 29(30).04.2014
Adunarea Generală Ordinară a Acționarilor din data de 26(27).04.2013
Adunarea Generală Ordinară a Acționarilor din data de 26(27).04.2012
Adunarea Generală Ordinară a Acționarilor din data de 29(30).11.2011, ora 10:00 A.M.
Adunarea Generală Ordinară a Acționarilor din data de 28(29).04.2011, ora 10:00 A.M.
Hotarare AGA Ordinara 28.04.2011
Adunarea Generală Extraordinară a Acționarilor din data de 28(29).04.2011, ora 11:30 A.M.
Hotarare AGA Extraordinara 28.04.2011